It doesn’t matter the quality of fillers if you don’t have a good wrapper selecting and casing department lead by 30 years of experience with Dona Reyna leader of a vital part of the process. Water spraying is a key factor in knowing how much water a wrapper needs depending on the condition and type of wrapper. Pennsylvania Broadleaf and San Andres, being really thick, need a lot of water spraying. Ecuadorian sun-grown wrapper needs to be treated with extra care to not stain or rotten to a point of breaking when smoking the cigar.
Lastly, the most delicate and in need of light water spraying treatment is the Connecticut wrapper which is done to achieve the beautiful color, creamy taste and no bitterness. Similar to fillers, the correct amount, texture, and color is given every morning in balls of 100 wrappers to each rollers by the “book”.