We believe in the craftsmanship of excellent premium cigars. Driven by pasión and with the goal of quality not quantity we create ultra COMPLEX cigars not feasible for the rest of new upcoming industry’s entrepreneurs!
I Raymond Pages Raffo BELIEVE in the pleasure of experiencing with a super premium cigar. I’m original from Pinar del Rio Cuba and to be more specific San Luis. I grow up with the responsibility of keeping a live my grand father Pilar Pages legacy of cultivation of highest quality tobacco in San Luis vuelta abajo Pinar del río CUBA!
At the age of 17 in search of my purpose in life and the industry I migrated to Esteli Nicaragua to learn from one of the best in the industry at the time brother in law Abdel Fernandez with Tabacalera AJ’s Fernandez.
There I started from the bottom and through the vast experience and knowledge through by Abdel Fernandez and his MASTER group of professional I became the man I’m today! Tabacalera Pages de Nicaragua S.A. is a company located at Estelí downtown in Nicaragua, the place where the best tobacco in the world is grown.
A Singular Vision
We strive for nothing short of excellence in the making of our cigars. Handcrafted with care using the finest tobacco in the world, right here in Nicaragua.