Passion, Dedication, & Persistence
Manufacturing fine cigars takes a lot more than just money. Passion, dedication, persistence respect for others and honesty, and that allows you a better chance to access good tobaccos and have true relations.
Understand we are a mid sized cigar factory. We have fifty two pairs of tabaqueros plus one hundred more employees and are able to do an average of 16000 fine cigars a day.
At this moment we have limited space for new clients and the way the company keeps growing with a boutique mindset it will limit more our capacity to cater our demand.
About the Process
After first communication, agreed on blends and quantities:
We will send samples by DHL with a cost averaging $300 for 20 cigars.
First Minimum order 50,000 fine cigars.
Second minimum order 100,000 fine cigars.
Average vitola prices in Nicaragua! You are responsible for the cost of exporting and importing in to your country. We have resources on the Contact page.
Cigar Types and Pricing
Important Details
50% deposit to start the order.
50% balance when cigars are done.
We are not responsible for packaging materials, it is your responsibility to have the following ready in our factory: Cigar bands, Cigar box, Box Vista, Box guarantee seal.
When your cigars are done, no matter the situation on YOUR packaging we require the 50% balance paid!
Please take time and see the rest of the infrastructure and all departments to understand what it takes to make a fine cigar.